
Get Connected

What should I expect from your service?

Living Faith House Sunday services begin with a worship experience. We take time to pray for those in need. We share life transforming messages. During offering, we dance-dance-dance.

What should I wear?

We believe that you should come as you are. Some dress in suits, some in traditional attire, some in business casual and some wear shorts. We believe the house of God is a place for us to connect with our creator. So we encourage you to wear your ‘Sunday Best’, but if shorts and t-shirt is all you have, never let it stop you. Come and connect with God.

What about my children?

We have a dedicated department for the care of our children. The children section has its own hall where they are cared for as well as taught bible stories suitable for their ages.

Services Schedule

Sunday Family Worship
10:00am – 12:00pm

Wednesday Worship
06:30am – 08:30pm

RCCG Living Faith House

29, Gately Costen Walk,
Brockley, London. SE4 2JF

Call us

07877 989 853
07897 451 686

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